The Legislature needs to know how hospitals use public funds and what they charge uninsured patients!
Hospitals receive a significant amount of public funding for the over 200,000 uninsured patients in New Mexico, but many hospitals still charge uninsured patients their highest prices—several times over the actual cost of services and what insurance companies pay for those services.
We need your help at a hearing on February 4 to support a memorial that would provide more transparency on what hospitals charge the uninsured!
Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. the House Health & Human Services Committee will hear House Memorial 36, which requests the Legislature hold a hearing on uninsured patients’ hospital charges and how much public money hospitals receive to care for low-income, uninsured patients. The memorial also asks the Human Services Department to report to the Legislature how many low-income, uninsured patients New Mexico’s hospitals are helping with public funds and financial assistance.
Summary of HM 36
HM 36 requests the Legislative Health & Human Services Committee hold a hearing on hospital charges for uninsured patients. It also requests the Human Services Department report to the Legislature how New Mexico’s hospitals are using public funds and providing financial assistance to low-income, uninsured patients.
Public Comment Instructions
When: Friday, February 4 at 8:30 a.m.
How: Click the link below to join the webinar.
Or One tap mobile : US: +12532158782,,84182969724# or +13462487799,,84182969724#
Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 841 8296 9724
What to expect during the hearing
The committee will be taking public comment. The chair of the committee will announce the memorial and ask who supports HM 36. To provide a comment, use the Zoom reaction button and raise your hand. When it’s your turn to speak, the chair will call your name and unmute you Zoom.
Tips for public comments
- Keep your remarks brief and to the point (aim for one minute).
- If you have a personal story about avoiding care or receiving unaffordable hospital bills because you didn’t have insurance, please share it.
- If you are a healthcare worker and have a story about a patient who delayed needed care or suffered financial distress from unaffordable hospital bills, please share it.
- When you login to Zoom, please rename yourself with your full name so the moderator can find you easily.
- Make sure you are not muted when you start speaking.
- Do not rely on your computer or phone for notes. Write them down or print them, just in case your computer screen freezes.
- Close other tabs and windows in your browser to make sure your connection is good.
- If your connection or microphone doesn’t work, be prepared to call in with the information below.