No one should ever face discrimination when accessing healthcare based on immigration status.
On Monday at 8:30 am, the Legislature’s House Health and Human Services Committee will consider House Bill 112, which would stop state or locally funded healthcare programs from discriminating against New Mexicans based on their immigration status. The hearing was originally scheduled for Friday.
We need your help to provide public comment at the hearing in support of this bill!
New Mexico’s hospitals and county “indigent care” programs help uninsured and low-income residents access healthcare, but some programs are excluding certain immigrants.
Families and essential workers are pushed into devastating debt and collections–and sometimes even denied treatment. This discrimination happens even though hospitals get public funds for this care and all residents are paying state and local taxes. HB 112 would stop this discrimination.
Information on how to join the meeting and tips on what you might say are below.
When: 8:30 am, Monday, February 8
How to join:
Or iPhone one-tap : US: +13462487799,,89853256841# or +16699009128,,89853256841#
Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 898 5325 6841
What to expect during the hearing: The committee will be taking comments from the public. The Chair of the Committee (Rep. Debbie Armstrong) will announce the bill and ask who supports HB 112. At that time, if you want to provide a comment use the reaction button on Zoom and raise your hand.
HB 112 summary:
House Bill 112 would stop discrimination in any state or locally funded healthcare programs, so that New Mexicans can access healthcare regardless of immigration status.
Tips for public comment
- Keep your remarks brief and to the point.
- If you have a personal story about being unable to access hospital and county indigent care programs due to immigration status or being unable to afford healthcare, please share it.
- When you login to Zoom, please rename yourself with your full name so the moderator can find you easily.
- Make sure you are not muted when you start speaking.
- Do not rely on your computer or phone for notes. Write them down or print them, just in case your computer screen freezes.
- Close other tabs and windows in your browser to make sure your connection is good.
- If your connection or microphone doesn’t work, be prepared to call in with the information above.